Best Company of the World

About Us

We believe God brought us together to support the growth of his Kingdom with complex and tailor-made online solutions. Creating Christian websites and mobile apps is our calling.

We officially registered our organization as the Best Company of the World because for us being together with like-minded Christian IT professionals for the glory of God is the best possible company. The name being unusual and creative, it brings a lot of fun and surprise to our everyday interactions with others.

For the past ten years we have been developing the Mapping Center's online tools and mobile applications such as

"It has been a blessing to work with this talented Christian group. There are not enough words to express my gratitude. I am so thankful that God arranged our divine appointment 8 years ago. The professionalism, insight and creativity they continuously demonstrate since then are remarkable."

Chris Cooper, President, Mapping Center for Evangelism and Church Growth

Istvan Dupai
Istvan Dupai

Being in the web industry for over 20 years, Istvan previously developed several online tools for Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ) to track world-wide church planting movements. Istvan holds a B.A. degree in Business Administration and a B.S. in Economics.

"I have worked with Istvan for a number of years with the Mapping Center for Evangelism and Without the outstanding work by Istvan, we wouldn't have success with our websites and products that we enjoy. Istvan is always looking for a "better way" to ensure our products work efficiently and effectively. When we seek to add a new feature or capability, Istvan will ALWAYS find a way to get it done. As a "data guy", I am often examining reports and results. Whenever I find something that I don't understand, Istvan will check it out. He promptly responds and explains why the reports or results show what they do. I have worked with many Information Technology Professionals at some of the largest data processing companies in the world. Istvan performs as well as or better than any of them. A true professional."

Don Hinman, Chair of the Board, Mapping Center for Evangelism and Church Growth

"At the beginning of our cooperation, I asked Istvan a question. At the time his answer was encouraging, but - more importantly - since then, the results of his work has proven he believes it. Question: 'What can be done on this website and what changes can be made in the future to adapt it?' Answer: 'Anything you want.'"

Virgil Anderson, Global Church Movements, Cru

Zsolt Boros
Zsolt Boros

Zsolt has been Lead Developer of our mobile apps since he completed his university studies three years ago. He is responsible for coding the Bless Every Home iOS and Android apps. Zsolt has a B.S. degree in Business Information Technology.

"This app is a great way to be mindful to pray for and engage with your neighbors... It encourages you to reach out to your neighbors and keep track of your interactions, needs your neighbors may have (salvation, finances, health, relief from addictions, etc...) It gives you 5 of your neighbors everyday to pray for and a place to store notes for specific needs or whatever... In addition, it has a map of your neighborhood... Truly a remarkable app that will bless you immeasurably."

Paul Wiggington, Android app user

"I started using Bless Every Home a couple months ago. Praying for just five of my neighbors each day (I set my neighborhood size to the closest 60 people). I trust that the Lord is answering my prayers in some ways I can’t see. What I did not expect was how this 30 seconds a day has changed my heart and the way I view my neighbors and my role in their lives. I’m thankful for this ministry and for this new app."

CrooixBeans, iOS app user

Your project?

If you are a Christian church, organization or company with an online project on your mind, feel free to contact us if you need a team of developers.

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